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高中英語說課稿:人教修訂版高二《Unit 7 Living with disease Integrating skills》優(yōu)秀說課稿教案

時間:2012-9-20 15:48:25 點擊:

人教修訂版高二上Unit 7 Living with disease Integrating skills
四. 教學(xué)重點和難點:
本節(jié)課所授內(nèi)容為單元中的Integrating Skills部分,分Reading 與Writing 兩大塊。Reading 部分的教學(xué)采用泛讀方式進行,細分為標(biāo)題預(yù)測,問題尋解,閱讀填空,比較判斷四個具體的教學(xué)活動,意在培養(yǎng)學(xué)生良好的閱讀習(xí)慣和快速捕獲信息的能力。時間約為20分鐘左右。Writing 部分細分為畫時間線,簡述事件和匯編成文三個具體的教學(xué)活動,遵循從易到難的原則,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生從自身生活實際出發(fā),積極參與到寫作中來,時間約為20分鐘左右。最后在課堂小結(jié)中,教師點出“生命中必然會有高峰與低谷,希望同學(xué)們多多記住快樂的事,忘掉不快,以嶄新的姿態(tài)迎接生命中的每一天!
Step 1: Predicting
Show the title of the reading “Diagnosed with cancer: the day my life ended…and began !” and ask the students to predict “Why did the writer’s life end first,and then begin ?”
Step 2: Fast - reading
Give the students two questions before they read the text.
Answer the questions: 1. What did the writer think when she was diagnosed with cancer ? 2. What does the writer think of cancer now ?
Step 3: Careful - reading
Ask the students to read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks in the abridge.
I will never forget that afternoon when I was _____(diagnose) with cancer.I remember _____(have) an empty feeling in my stomach and thinking that my life was going ____(end).    The next year was painful and difficult for me.Like many people with cancer,I had to be ____ (treat) with radiation ______ (follow) by treatment with chemicals.There were days when I wished that I ______(be) dead.    My family and friends were wonderful.They helped me and kept me ____(feel) sad and lonely.At last I ______(be able to) go home.    Now two years have passed and my life has not yet ended. ____(live) with cancer has made me realize how precious life is and how important it is for us to take every chance to live life to _____(full).
Step 4: Judgement
Compare the situation of the writer with the one of Xiaohua in the reading and ask the students to judge which of the following statements are true or false.
1. The diseases are contagious. 2. The diseases have already changed the way they lived 3. They gave up the hope. 4. They are both optimistic(樂觀) 5. The diseases have in fact helped them appreciate life.
Step 5: Drawing a timeline
It’s the time for writing.
The teacher draws a timeline of life and makes the best times (the highs) and the worst times (the lows) according to own experience.Then shows and explains them to the students.
e.g. My father broke his leg when I was seventeen years old.
I had my baby on Oct. 12,2004.
Ask the students to think about their lives and draw their timelines on their notebooks.Then ask some students to share their own timelines on the blackboard.

高中英語說課稿模板《Unit 7 Living with disease Integrating skills》說課稿(2/2)
更新時間:2011-04-20  好評度:1625    



Step 6: Simple description
Ask the students to describe one or two events in their lives using simple words、phrases and sentences.
eventsimportant;  unforgettable;  meaningful;  proud;  grand ……
feelingshappy;  excited;  surprised;  proud;  pleased;  shameful;  nervous;  sad;  alone;  angry;  worried;  afraid ……
thoughtsI remember having an empty feeling in my stomach. I think that my life is going to end. I feel as if the sky came down. I think of my cancer as a gift. I remember everything exactly as if it happened yesterday. ……..
Step 7: Sample passage
Give the students a sample passage.Then ask the students to write a passage according to their experience.
The most important event in my life is that my baby was born in 2004.
It brought my family great happiness.And at the same time, it also changed our life.It made our life more busier and richer.
Since then, I have really understood the saying “We never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves. ”
Step 8: Summary
T: In this class,we look back to the past:the best times and the worst times in our lives.Have you found something that we thought important in the past have changed insignificant with time elapsed. So we should forget something unhappy and remember only pleasure. (Teacher wipes the worst times on the timeline and only leaves the best times on the timeline ) Remember: Live life to the fullest.
設(shè)計本活動的目的在于突出思想教育。教師通過擦掉時間線上的“低谷”,強調(diào)“高峰” 這一動作,讓學(xué)生學(xué)會抓住生命中的快樂的時光,忘掉不快,以嶄新的姿態(tài)迎接生命中的每一天。
Step 9: Homework
Let the students finish their writing after class.

作者:不詳 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)
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