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時間:2014-10-18 14:50:56 點擊:

 5、I’m seeing Sue this afternoon.Do you want me to pass on any messages?

  In some cases.students need to use another form of the word,for example,adjusting for tense or subject/verb agreement.

  3.Ask the students to make their own sentences with the words,preferably sentences that are meaningful.

  eg:1 want to know,“Copying homework is right or wrong?”etc.

  This activity can help the students think more about how to study the vocabulary in future,and find the right way to enlarge their vocabulary.

  Step4 Just for fun

  Let the students read and talk about it,find out what makes the cartoon funny.(Neither person can hear what the other person is saying)

  This activity provides reading practice with the target language.And with the topic’s help,we can start the new text.

  Can we hear what the author want to tell us?

  Step 5 Reading(Self-check 2)

  (Notice:turn off s(ound)Show the whole story with CAl,and give the chance to the students,

  let them dub for the pictures.

  After several times.play the recording for help to correct their voice.And then let all the students dub for the story.

  It is very important to understand the whole story before they learn the details•

  Step 6 Text study

  1.Find main idea

  Ask the students to read silently,quickly through to the end without stopping to find the main clues.

  We had a big fight last week in school.→She said she had forgotten to do hers.→I said I didn,t think it was a good idea for her to copy my homework.→She said it was much better if she did her own homework.

  Help the Students recite the passage with the sentences.


  There are more than 10 Reported Speech sentences in the story.Find all the sentences to study the Direct speech and Reported Speech.And continue to study sentences’changes for Reported Speech.

  Step 7 Pair work

  1.Ask a few pairs of students to rewrite the story as a conversation.Pretend you(as author)

  are talking about the fight with other person.

  eg:A:Who’S your best friend?

  B:Mv best friend is Xiao Li,bul last week we had a big fight and now she isn’t talking to me.

  A:How did it start?


  This activity practices students to understand the target language in spoken conversations.

  2.Ask the students to change their identity in talking about the fight.For example,pretend you(fitS author)and“Xiao Li”,etc.

  This activity develops students’ability to use reported speech correctly.And it is very impor-tant for the students to enjoy the experience of learning English.If we can do this,they will be moti-vated to learn and improve.

  Step 8 Practice

  1.She said,“0ur bus Will arrive in five minutes.”

  →She said that their bus would arrive in five minutes.

  2.He asked,“Can you come to my party?’’

  →He asked me if I could go to his party.

  3.He asked,“Where are you going,Lana?”

  →He asked Lana where she was going.

  4.The teacher said to the boy.“0pen the window.”

  →The teacher told the boy to open the window.

  5.She said,“What a lovely day it isIl,

  →She said what a lovely day it was.

  (With the CAI to show the whole practice,all the answers are italic,they each will be shown after the students’discussing.)

  Step 9 Have a test

  1.The teacher said.“The earth goes Found the sun.”

  →The teacher said that the earth goes Found the SUn.

  2.The girl said to us,“He isn’t a teacher,isn’t he?”

  →The girl asked US whether/if he was a teacher.

  3.She asked me if she could copy my homework.

  →She asked me.“Can I copy your homework?”

  4.I asked her why she wanted to do that.

  →I asked her.“Why do you want to do this?”

  Step l0 Homework

  Read the story again and write it as a conversation.If possible,make a soap opera play please.





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